september flew by faster than you thought. it was lonely, you were half way across the globe from me. so many nights you lay there thinking of us, only to let it stop abruptly. too fragile, too afraid. you were sitting there, trying to think of something to do, trying to think of something to keep you from thinking of me. but you know its not working out. you hear me, images of us flashes in your mind like a camera. click, there's me running me fingers into your hair. click, there's me drawing circles on your palm. click, there's me curled up on your bed. click, there's me banging on your bathroom door. click, click, click. the memories just run. you didnt mean for this to go this far, but it did. you didn't mean to get so close and share what we did. you didnt mean to fall in love, but you know you did.
you look around your room and everything reminds you of me. how do I know all these, you asked? it wasn't too long ago that you last hug me. you remember don't you? You stood there watching while i stare and salivate at the selection of chocolates. you let me pile up the baskets with a whole selection of nestles and cadburys. you hear me mumbling and talking but you werent listening. i knew you werent. you were rationalising. fighting. then you just hugged me. the world around you zoomed out. it was just us there in the aisle. it was just us in this world. no one else matter at that moment. Thats when i knew all these. because i felt it too. it was also my lonely september. thinking how to stop thinking of you. ;p you didnt meant to think of me so much but i know you did. it wasnt the smartest thing to do, you cant just seem to get it right.
I hear the gang banging in the kitchen. trying to whip up a brilliantastic birthday cake for you. it wasnt too long ago that we spoke. i hear the pitter patter of raindrops on your windshield. you are on your way home. tired. exhausted. yes. but yet excited and exhilirated. its no longer a surprise. they do it every year for you. the same celebration. the same rendition of songs. the same tricks. the same people. but little do you know, this year, it will be different.
im lucky to have been where we have been. im lucky to be able to share tomorrow with you. just lucky. lucky to have another chance tonight, at the stroke of 12, when the lights go out, and all you see is the flickering of candles to sing you happy birthday at the top of my voice!
how it will be different this year you asked? you will know just will.

Happy happy birthday A. God must've added a little bit of tingle magic into your mould when He made you. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance.... in the kingdom of light.
There, i hear your car at the driveway. lucky to be coming home again.
Oh, did i tell lucky to have you love me? i didnt? will tell you when i see you...there i hear you coming in the house. : ) 2 mins!