like little birds, it's the little lies that peck and nip at us. little lies imperceptibly erode and tatter the tensile fabric of trust.
they do not hurt as much as they irk. but little lies are also the tiny shards of shattered glass that pepper a broken path, making the simple act of barefoot travel an arduous task that gradually wears and tears at the soul until treading on the path becomes too painful to bear. alas, over time, it's the little lies that really hurt.
Its the little lies that stays enacted in our memories, in our dreams and in our lives.
The shrapnel embeds deep in our hearts, unable to be remove, leaving us a scar that haunts for as long as we breathe.
like little birds, fluttering and frolicking, it's the little lies that embellish our lives. they add interest to anecdotes, punctuate our punch lines.
we smile. we cherish. it's these little lies that season our taste and sweeten our penchant for life. i suppose, in the end, we all desire to be a little hurt.
she had tears in her eyes. despite a valiant effort to disguise them with a fleeting smile, the shimmer of lights in the distance revealed her most genuine emotions. the corners of her eyes were the Judas of her cheerful demeanor.
you can always rely on the eyes. i wanted to smile back at her. i stood watching myself.
It was as if my soul was transported out of my body and there was two of me. I wanted to embrace her with hearty guffaws, but the gradual accumulation of tiny crystals of heartache along her eyelid bore a weighty awkwardness.
it was a turgid moment. one where the slightest stimulus could tip the scales into a catharsis of pleasure or of pain. of all things, the tipping point was "the chicken song." and that was enough.
instinctively, she tucked her hands into her arms and bravely flapped the "chicken dance" - all whilst tears streamed down her cheeks from very puffy eyes. it was a bittersweet symphony of movement. and the only thing we both could do in that moment was laugh the heartache away...the heartache that all the lies has brought...