He who looks 16 and hails from Thailand.

He who has been most patient when I made his room look like an iraq war ground
He who so kindly allowed me to invade his space for a two whole weeks and kept me entertained with his dancing, singing and weird jokes.
He who will finds sign language funny but not attractive.
He who will finds sign language funny but not attractive.
He who swept me off my feet by serenading me on his guitar.
He who has a sexylicious husky voice.
He who gave me bounds of orgasm with his delicious family secret recipe cooking.
He who works undercover as a mafia.
He who dyed my hair a weird brownish red.
He who calls me 'laling'.
He who risk death to climb to his chambers of retirement each night.

He who reassured me in the middle of the night that the weird noises coming through the wall from his housemate's room were sounds of amour.
He who made packing a suitcase seem so easy.
He whose cookie jar i stole from and made me a double chocolate cookiewhore.
He who uses a whole array of feminine products.
He whose name is Plan Bee....
Disclaimer: The character created in this blog is only fictional and is in no way related to any man/person/creature/martian who has graced this Earth. The above pictures are borrowed from a random website.