I stumbled upon this photograph while going through some wedding photos (desperate hormones) and I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat.
I rang the astronomist squealing with excitement. He must have thought he just got a phone call from the pyshciatrict ward. I rattled about the picture and sent it to him. 2 minutes later I heard a woman with a voice that sounds distinctively like the astronomist's going, "Ohhhhhh". We both have spoken about this during our 3am chats and when we shared our dreamz with the rest at the doctors shed, the rest felt it was a corny dream. Both of us went away sulking and condemning their lack of taste for good old romantic traditions.
We have got so many wedding magazines and books to guide us nowadays on making your wedding the perfect little one and it has been long abandon the little things that we used to do that means the most. For example, for the bridgegroom to carry the bride or the lifting the veil thingy.
This is what I have been dreaming all my life of doing and I never thought anyone or for the matter any wedding would still do this. Two candles coming together to light one, uniting together to put on the life for a new beginning then blowing out the 2 candles - which refers to blowing out the old flames and now only one burning candle remain to signify 2 lights brought together to make one brighter one. Do you get it? No?! Well, as they say, a picture says a thousand words. Look at it closely and you will understand what I am trying to say.
The squeals of excitement fill the background - as we all go, dreamz can come true!!