Hope only comes when you have faith and love united as one. When one is missing from the equation, hope will not conjure from the air and be sprinkled upon you. Life is like a marathon. There will be mountains to climb and valley to descend. There will be tricky bumps along the way, showers of rain and blows of gutsy wind. How many times do we fall from our walk and we end up crawling like an ant in those times of weariness and depression? As torrid as it may sound, brace yourself and equip yourself with this knowledge - all of us, without knowing it are actually "bubble wrap" with His love.
Wherever we go, Christ goes and wherever Christ goes, we go. When crossing oceans, He promised to give us wings to fly and soar above the storm. When falling behind the race, He promises to run alongside us till we pick up. When the walk becomes a crawl, He promises to help us up to walk again. Nevertheless, before all these help comes, one must learn to wait. Waiting on the Lord is like enduring the wait for the long journey home.
When the right bus comes, you hop on it and there you are - set on reaching your destiny. Someone once said, what do you do when you discover that you are on the wrong bus? You alight and take the right one? Well, one thing for sure, when you wait at the bus stop, you do not just hop on any bus that comes along. You must have :-
1.)waited and spotted the right one
2.)flagged it down or stood right in front of it and pray that it doesn't knock you down
3.)hopped on it and let the driver yelled at you for trying to put a dent in his bus
4.)found a seat and settle down - secure in the knowledge that this is the ride to your destiny.
So why is there a sudden thought that you have gotten on the wrong one? Was the journey longer than expected? Have then just been too many bumpy rides that make you want to strangle the driver? Well, being on the bus and waiting to arrive at your destination is like waiting on God. There are days you will have thoughts that you are on the wrong bus. There are days you just wished you could kill the driver and there are days, you just wish you had not gotten on the bus. There are also days when you are squash by sweaty hairy people. There may not be anything interesting along the bus ride but it is important to you, to God and to others who depend on you that you stay on the bus and wait. Waiting on the Lord is the secret of keeping going when you feel like quitting.
It makes a difference when you quiet your heart and learn to enjoy the ride. It makes a difference when you do not give into the whisper of the enemy to kill the driver. It also makes a difference if you brazen yourself to ask for a vomit bag when the journey becomes bumpy. Instead of getting sick of the long ride, you will be capturing the amazing things along the way. Have faith that the bus you chose to hop will bring you to your destination. Learn to fall in love with the little stops that the ride brings you to and with these two in toll, you can conjure hope that this journey will have a rainbow end.
Wherever we go, Christ goes and wherever Christ goes, we go. When crossing oceans, He promised to give us wings to fly and soar above the storm. When falling behind the race, He promises to run alongside us till we pick up. When the walk becomes a crawl, He promises to help us up to walk again. Nevertheless, before all these help comes, one must learn to wait. Waiting on the Lord is like enduring the wait for the long journey home.
When the right bus comes, you hop on it and there you are - set on reaching your destiny. Someone once said, what do you do when you discover that you are on the wrong bus? You alight and take the right one? Well, one thing for sure, when you wait at the bus stop, you do not just hop on any bus that comes along. You must have :-
1.)waited and spotted the right one
2.)flagged it down or stood right in front of it and pray that it doesn't knock you down
3.)hopped on it and let the driver yelled at you for trying to put a dent in his bus
4.)found a seat and settle down - secure in the knowledge that this is the ride to your destiny.
So why is there a sudden thought that you have gotten on the wrong one? Was the journey longer than expected? Have then just been too many bumpy rides that make you want to strangle the driver? Well, being on the bus and waiting to arrive at your destination is like waiting on God. There are days you will have thoughts that you are on the wrong bus. There are days you just wished you could kill the driver and there are days, you just wish you had not gotten on the bus. There are also days when you are squash by sweaty hairy people. There may not be anything interesting along the bus ride but it is important to you, to God and to others who depend on you that you stay on the bus and wait. Waiting on the Lord is the secret of keeping going when you feel like quitting.
It makes a difference when you quiet your heart and learn to enjoy the ride. It makes a difference when you do not give into the whisper of the enemy to kill the driver. It also makes a difference if you brazen yourself to ask for a vomit bag when the journey becomes bumpy. Instead of getting sick of the long ride, you will be capturing the amazing things along the way. Have faith that the bus you chose to hop will bring you to your destination. Learn to fall in love with the little stops that the ride brings you to and with these two in toll, you can conjure hope that this journey will have a rainbow end.