Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another Wednesday

Last night over Pizza and spaghetti, I shared with the Wednesdays about my firm's horror stories. the ghastly truth on how they enslave my intelligence and naivety to get things done within 24 hours. Even wonderwoman has off days. I don't. I still work on weekdays. So all the stories of how God created the world in 6 days and rest on the 7th day...doesn't seem to apply post-adam-ate-the-apple-sin-fall. The 5.30pm man suggested I take my horror stories to lodge a complain with the Bar Committee. He is the 5.30pm man because, as the name clearly suggest, he leaves work, 5.30 sharp. Any one minute more is overtime!! Horror 101.

I have never and i repeat never -left work at exactly 6 sharp. When it happens, it must be the day I quit my job. Then again, in this economic downturn, I should be grateful that I am working to the core of my bones and filling up my bank account. I should also be thankful I was offered employment in a prestigious firm a week after returning from England. My fair english glow must have been alluring. Hopefully, Baker & McKenzie in HongKong will treat me kinder when the great move happens. HongKong here I come..!! Whee!! So albeit all the complaints I have brewing inside me and the numerous letters I have typed and saved in word doc, I still count my blessings . The astronomist has been posted for his internship there for 6 months already and he is loving every bit of the chinese island. I take his words for the gospel and trust that when its my turn there, I too, will love every bit it. So I will start stocking up on the "I love Hongkong T-shirts"!! They say lawyers earn the greens, they never see how green we turn with the mountain of work we have. All the perceptions and false notions outsiders are lure into believing...a tinge of ignorance. We are afterall in a profession that is famously known for their habitual liars.

Thanks to the Wednesdays, Raksasa menentang Makluk Asing (a.k.a Monster Vs Alien) was a smashing movie. As the Wednesdays' motto is - we are halfway there. We are halfway of the week, halfway to insanity and halfway through the year. Its June again. The month of the year. My month of the year to be exact. Life is easier to be comprehend when we compartmentalise it. Split it up to months, weeks and days. That way, I feel less overwhelmed by 365 days...true, there are ups and downs but like I always say, the journey to the other side of the rainbow is a long and winding journey. Rainy days are for us to dance in the rain!!

let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder

don't you know the hardest part is over

let it in,

let your clarity define you

in the end

we will only just remember

how it feels

our lives are made

in these small hours

these little wonders,

these twists & turns of fate

time falls away,

but these small hours,

these small hours still remain

let it slide,

let your troubles fall behind you

let it shine

until you feel it all around you

and i don't mind if it's me

you need to turn to

we'll get by,

it's the heart that really matters in the end