Monday, June 15, 2009

To June, with love

Last June, the astronomist asked if I will miss him when he returns home to the States for summer, I shrugged, closed my eyes and walked away, whispering, "so much". He ran up beside me, sling his arms across my shoulders while we continue walking down towards the monument quietly enjoying the morning sun. I thought 'I can handle this, he being away and me staying for summer'. I let me eyes meet his crisply iron shirt while inhaling in the fresh lemony wash on it.

It was an awkward silence, both not knowing what to say and skeptical to say anything. It is always interesting hanging out with the astronomist but that day was a little different. I just held on to my womanly instinct to let the moment hang in the air like it is. For whatever reason it felt good to have someone just being there by your side while the world around you zoomed by, yet the silence was nudging at our hearts. He escorted me to the bus stop and our silence bubble was popped with sheepish smiles. He wrapped his arms around me, embracing me tightly. I just let myself snuggle in those arms. I felt him leaning to smell my freshly washed hair and mumbled in between of hair stuffed in his mouth, "summer came too early."

My public ride came and we heard our souls whimpered at it. I missed him terribly that summer he was away but with every separation comes a realisation. A dawning and a discovery of your heart's song. Last week, I received a present with a card that says, "I love everything about June". He sure knows how to strum the strings of my heart....