Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let Him take the Reins

A year ago, it should and could have been the most wonderful time of the year. looking forward to graduation, finally leaving behind years of slogging away in law school, a step closer to achieving a life long dream, a flight away from that 6 figure salary, and a leap of faith to a wonderous ending in long distance relationships. With a big bang twist of fate, not only I had to watch each of those being taken away from me one by one, I also had to walk on each shrapnels of those exploding dreams. i always thought i had it all, you name it, i got it. it was just all to surreal to be true but yet baby, it was happening to me. sometimes, being the placid, get-along-with-everybody and the i-had-it-all person robs me the opportunites to show grace and allow God to deal with others.

I had more questions than answers. I had sense in my head that seemed like nonsense to my heart. As children bring their broken toys wih tears for us to mend, i brought my broken dreams to God because He is my friend. But then instead of leaving Him at peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. I pace up and down, peered into it and at last snatched them back and cried, "How can you be so slow?". "My child," He said, "What could I never did let go."

It goes without saying that words leave a scar deeper than a sword. I would love to go to Him and say, Fix me. I've got an hour. Unfortunately, no pill or prayer can work that way. We all try very hard to keep watch of our image so as not to let it ruin our reputation. However, no matter how hard we try to clothe the wolf in fleas fleece, it can never be a sheep. It is the inside that counts. truly. what if, there is no daintiness and sophistication to start of with? so what's there to really keep you in sync to speak 'properly' and be civilised? A person who doesn't have character protecting his talent shatter dreams, hurt people and lose possibilities. No matter how brilliant a man may be, how gently they try to speak, how smart he is dressed up in, if his character is flawed, his words will still breed distrust no matter how gentle and everything he does will be perceived as manupulative.


So, where am i to begin? I chillax with Him. I sit back and file my nails watch him mould my character and fix my dreams. I give him time and be patience myself. Let Him do his Jedi-trick-magic. what a man is, survives him and that is what make a lasting difference.

kind words won't come cascading out of your mouth like a waterfall until your heart is a wellspring of kindness. Unsafe people has a heart that is build up with a core of selfishness. It tends to put its own interest and its own feelings before others. So, some speak what their heart feels. Horrible, but who cares? Betrayal is the iceberg that sinks friendship. But yet, like they care. As long as it doesn't sink their life. that's how unsafe people operate. they are a little like the stepford's people. perfect on the outside but lacking empathy on the inside.


When you chillax with God, you must know how to just sit back and watch. It is like a friday night with God, eating popcorns and watching a film on tv. as much as you want to punch the guy who cheated on his girlfriend, you know God is sitting there beside you, watching too. Let Him take rein of the remote control and switch channels for you. You just got to stop jumping up and down the sofa and watch Yoda saber off the tongues unsafe people OUT of your life.

Forgive me for my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.