Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My summer hot date

When the rain comes and the thunder crackle, I am the happiest. I love a stormy day and how the world is saturated with wetness, gloominess and the sky is coloured in purple and grey. It hasn't been raining for a week and I am beginning to retreat in sorrow. Perspiring under the summer sun and the heat burns into the depths on my clothing.

I am tempted to do a rain dance and offer up my pet iguana as peace offering to appease the Rain Gods. In fact, I am on the brink of doing just anything for rain to come...I feel like a hippopotamus in the heat of the Sahara, looking for my waterhole to bathe, roll and fornicate. I may even consider as a hippopotamus to copulate with a rhinoceros (which is in fact an insult to my species as hippos are considered to be a higher casts of waterhole mammals) if only rain will come.

I spent the last few days on hot steamy dates. Literally. Blame it on the no-rain-disappointment. There was no chance to huddle together under the umbrella, no excuse to grab my date's arm in fear of slipping on the sleek pavements, no droplets of rain to catch and no refraction of two people oblivious to the spherical gaze of others. I was late for my 1st date. Thanks to the big red shinny ball in the sky my driving was at a turtle speed of 25km/h. The heat slacken my brain activity causing my nerve motors to react slower. It takes 15 seconds longer to compute "turn left" which translate to mean hit the left signal, view the left mirror and steer the wheel left. I explained all these in one breath to my date, punctuating each sentence with a sincere apology, flushed from the heat and rashing secretly in unknown places only to have him laugh at me and pulled me a seat. Afraid I would faint from my rattling presumably. Mentally, I ticked of one of my date-criteria boxes, i.e. a man who pulls out a seat for me. I am a sucker for Jane Austen's gentlemanly manners.

I ordered my chai tea and as usual got into a 10 minutes debate and/or lecture with the Barista on how to serve my chai tea - iced in a paper cup. Another reason why I dislike sunny days. It doesn't make me any cheerier it is also causing my date to think I am a raving lunatic with an obsession with getting into a repartee with everyone. When we finally sat down and bored each other with our biographies....burble on our preceding weeks, I was just blithesome that that air conditioning was free in Starbucks. The date has just returned from a trip to Japan. Santa is early this year. The date vellicated a little bag and poured little souvenirs from Japan all over our brown table..mostly the cute straight fringe Kimono Dolls. He must have expected me to clap with glee like a 5 year old at the sight of these Fuji mountain of souvenirs. But I was too precocious and just beamed with gratitude on his kind thoughts. I was also too polite to tell him that I was not into kawaii Japanese dolls so I stuff all his precious Dolls into my bag, feeling a tad conscious I was at risks of looking like a customer in a buffet restaurant pocketing food into her bag.

His phone chimed. It was his best friend in Kansas who was curious how my date's date look like. He wanted a picture. I happily obliged and allowed my date to take one of my mortified faces with his left hand forming a peace sign beside my cheek. Japan is bad influence. In less than a week, my date has morphed into this retarded peace-sign-poser. Moments later, his phone beeped. It was his best friend's reply signing his approval for me as date. Since when have I become a SIRIM product in need of QC by a best friend who is 3 thousand miles away? I never much believed in the need of being best friends with my date/potential boyfriend/future husband's best friend. His friends were his friends..mine remained mine. I draw a clear line so when war rages, I have my own army and he has his soldiers. No recruiting from either side. Fair. May the best man wins! But this one was an exception. His best friend was cute. And I mean hunky-adoring-pleasing-to-the-eyes-good-looking. (the wonders of facebook) I was in a hurry to be his best friend too.

Time flies when cute guys are centered in conversations. though my heart didn't flutter nor did my tummy did a somersault, I had a whale of a time laughing till my jaws ache. There was no cliché of drowning into each other's gaze but it was pleasant. A date I would look forward to hang out with again. Someone I would like to know better. Maybe someone my heart can grow to love but it is all too early to tell. I am just contended I would be adding him to my 999 friends list, making him the 1000th person who is stepping into my life. Someone whom my heart may allow to leave a footprint. A memory to capture, a friendship to grow and a love to blossom. If it's all in God's plan, maybe, definitely - I can love again.

I drove the 20 minutes ride home in bliss. Rain or no rain, my heart was filled with ecstasy. I wondered how it is for you over there. I doubt you were as happy as I was that day. You never understood the magic of simple things in life. You always thought I was being too meticulous on trivial things, too much of an over analyzer on things. True, little things matter. But you didn't
hold on till the end to see what awaits...you never will understand. I am delighted that I did not cancel my date otherwise I would not have experienced the joy of knowing - love can be found even in the things least expected. It was not perfect but it was enough for me.

When I reached home, petals of raindrops started to fall on my windshield slowly building up a rhythmic tapping.

The things least expected always comes last. God always save the best for last.