This is how a wedding should be. A fairytale wedding celebrated with your closest friends and family and people who simply love the pair of you together filled with abundant joy and love. Throw in the laughters and giggles and you know that - dreams do come true. Just have a little faith. Pictures are worth a thousand words.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wheel of Life
Last night's outing with the Wednesday provoked a profounding realisation upon me. Our life is such a routine that we all need something to look forward to. A detour. A pinch of spice or a splash of colour to what's grey and dull. Taken the average working week, we spent nearly 12 hours (sometimes more) working and/or commuting to work and what's left after deducting 8 hours of sleep (if we are lucky) is nothing more than 4 hours that seemed to whizz by in Bullet Train style. There is not much social hours, not much cup-of-tea-time, not much My-time and not much to keep us going unless we work in the entertainment industry, PR, or anything to do with a hip-hop beat, which most of us don't.
Its such a routine, doing the same thing week after week and yet the grim fact remains, we are stuck in this lifestyle. Like the adults always say, welcome to the working life. The closest friends you make at work are a chosen few : - heart attack, stress, hair loss, boredom and lost of sleep. There may be loads of tedium and toil but little of excitement and joy. The hamster wheel of work has become our life and sometimes we ponder, "how did we ever get here?" Soon after, we drone on in the fog of a mundane life for so long that we forget how to enjoy life, how to have fun and how to catch the silver linnings in the dark clouds. Is work all about sustaining ourselves financially? Has everyone fall prey into believing that if we don't work, we are lazy bummers? Actually, it is not a myth. Its true that the society place an importance of bringing home the bacon and topping up the figures in our bank accounts. The rat race to be employed, to ascend the corporate ladder, and to be a workaholic has all been programmed into us...or some of us.
We all need that rainbow to keep us going. That promise after the storm. A silver lining for us to look out for. A purpose to drive us. Humans were made to have meaning, without purpose, life is meaningless. Rick Warren wrote, "“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning.” Are you caught in your daily dilemma of the hamster wheel? Going round and round, day in day out, just drifting along life and your motto is, "come what may"? A purpose produces passion and by knowing your purpose, you will be passionate about achieving it.
I think sometimes, it no harm to take a little break, take time off to contemplate on how life has been? Do you realise that everytime someone ask their perfunctory, "how are you?", we reel our automated answer of, "I'm fine, thank you?" Is our life really fine? Or are we satisfied with just being fine?
God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Monday, July 27, 2009
He sang
What Hurts The Most (By Rascal Flatts)
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A simple wish

"Race you to the Gate. Loser buys dinner!" I yelled against the blowing wind in my face and sped of, pedalling as hard as I could, huffing and puffing. "Loser buys breakfast, lunch and dinner!" the Date screamed back. In lightning speed, he shot beside me with a grin plastered on his face and pedalled furiously ahead. I tried to pedal faster but my legs refuse to cooperate with my will power and the sight of the Date's butt was distracting mine concentration. It was ineluctable that victory would be on his side. He was bigger, stronger, and close to being the next Lance Armstrong whereas I was petite and far from qualified to compete in any Tour DE France. I reached the Gate glowering at the Date who flashed me his oscar award winning smile and was standing pridefully at the Gate, waiting for the petite tortoise to arrive. I was flustered and a sore loser. Being the magnanimous person he is, the Date ameliorated my loss with an ice-cream treat. We both sat licking our ice cream cones while watching the picturesque sunset at the horizon. The sky was painted with shades of orange and crimson, the giant glow of the sun setting behind some hills and fluffy cotton clouds were forming shapes around it.
A date could be a walk in the park or even a cycling race. It doesn't have to be dinner served with candlelight for romance to fuel. My ideal romance would be a moon in the sky lighting up my walk with that one person along the beach but the little outings, such as last week's cycling race with the Date has adumbrated how small things count, how childhood activities still excites and how much I have missed out as an adult. How I have forgotten that not everything ideal is perfect and not everything perfect is ideal.
So often I look for that extra something in a date be it, the one who makes me laugh the most, the one who with the most wit, or even the one with the nicest teeth that I overlook the one special thing in that person. He who brings out the best in me. He who gives no room for louche or sly behaviours. That one person who was determined to put the cares of the world behind him and do what he loved best -- enjoying an evening of anecdote and badinage with the girl who lights up his world. Maybe by saying this, I am being paradoxically because the statement goes deeper than the superficial attitudes or physicals of a person but rather to the core of his character and upbringing. Its asking for more. Like PEPSI - ask for more. Not just the fizzy taste of a carbonated drink or the sugar high from a can of soda. Its that exquisiteness that sets PEPSI apart from Coke...that dash of lemon twist perhaps?
The Date would be like that dash of lemon twist. He makes me ask for more of his companionship, more of his ebullient character and more of his attention. Like a craving that is insatiable and an addiction that keeps you high. The circumstances that kismet throws me in may not be my ideal romantic notion nor may it be perfect. I dare not hope for anything more than a good time when out with him for I believe "Hope" wraps you in a frolly of make believes and it can be inconvenient. Hope is paradoxical. It can be painful. It can search my heart and motives to the very bottom. I don't ask for hope, and often I don't actually want it. What I really want is for the desire to go away, or be granted.
I do well to remember that romantic love cannot be bought, even with the coin of deserving or longing for that love. Ultimately, romance is a mystery. Even Solomon, with all his wisdom, included it in his list of things that were "too wonderful" for him to fully comprehend.
With The Date, I have stopped trying to catch that love bug. Stop trying to comprehend the complexity of situations. He has taught me to seize the moment. carpe diem. seize the moment with his genuine longing for a whale of fun. sometimes, you just have to keep things simple. Make a simple wish. He may be just one of the gazillion stars in the sky, but his honesty and simplicity shines through my heart for me to want to make a wish upon.
Here's to more titillating dates.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
What maketh a man
Last night,the Astronomist was maundering and to some extent speaking in gibberish. He had just finish watching Poison Ivy: Lust & Seduction. A must watch recommended by yours truly for all hot blooded male with a penchant for "romance". His usual intelligence and compose self has vanish in that interim of 2 hours. Men are miracles of evolution but after 3 billion years, there is still alot of room of improvement - the crucial point here being pin pointed by comedian Robin Williams, 'God gave men a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to run one at a time.' This certainly explains the insane blabbering coming from the Astronomist.
A woman lacks the extra spark of a special gene called the SRY that determines the sex region of the Y-Chromosome and summarily explains that even after watching reruns of Lust & Seduction we can still hold a perfectly intelligent conversation with the President. The SRY has clearly got a lot to answer for. But how can such a tiny sliver of genetic material have such profound consequences for a human being? The answer, says geneticist Professor Steve Jones, of University College London, is simple. 'The SRY is a switch that directs other genes on to their allotted path,' he states. It's like the railway points outside a large terminus: with a single tiny shift the SRY sends the sexual express towards one destination rather than another.
Al Kennedy describes what maketh a man perfectly. I shared this with the Astronomist and I feel obligated as a responsible alpha female to share this with you bear with the torture and read on.
Ah, men. Ah, sweeping generalisations. Of course, you wouldn't want to put the two together. Then again, somewhere in my reptile brain, they are together, because I am a creature of hormones and natural fluids and so, for me, men are divided sweepingly into Dofindattractive and Dontfindattractive. The ones in the former category can behave like lobotomised Visigoths with relative impunity and those in the latter can be saints come to earth, with particle physics degrees and the muscle tone of gods, and yet still seem, somehow, completely uninteresting. I try to rise above this, but frequently I don't. And as I find so very few men attractive and the rest of them are pretty much invisible, I can't say that I'm any kind of expert when it comes to my masculine counterparts.
But I have noticed a few points. For instance, there aren't any New Men. There are only men who want to hear about your periods so they can give you the kind of solemn look they'd offer to someone who's suffered a bereavement. When this makes you want to slap them, they will then look even more sympathetic because your Special Girlie Body Chemistry is clearly leading you astray. Then they will offer you cake. Or try to shag you. Or both. Naturally, there are men who want to hug each other, sit in sweat lodges and weep theatrically, but that's not exactly New.
Because men are all softies. I know, I know, that's entirely sweeping, but I've given this some thought and I would still argue that it's true. I have, for example, spent four hours trailing round shops with a man locked in the agony of buying himself trousers. The assistant in the first shop made him feel old, the second place made him feel fat, then he worried about his hair - and dying, possibly alone - and finally he stood, shaking and on the verge of hysteria, unable to even tell a gentleman's outfitter that he hadn't intended to test-run an overcoat.
Men don't actually want to have such a limited sartorial repertoire; they don't want to drag about in suits and ties and jeans and shell suits - they're just far too scared to try anything else. It takes huge support and coddling to get a man to even change his socks. Men can sometimes break out into brave, little displays of colour, the occasional mini-kilt, but this takes months of encouragement from other, understanding and strong-minded men who are used to adversity and well-versed in exotic fabrics. Men who dress like abandoned sofas and whose personal maintenance regimes rely entirely on stolen cloakroom soap and irregular splashes of cold water aren't hideous slobs, they've just given up, lonely and overwhelmed by the weight of their own ugliness. Men are expected to like and understand football, badger baiting, power tools, the internal combustion engine, and yet very many of them are tragically unhandy, unsporting and fond of badgers. Men are never allowed to be wrong, to read instruction manuals, and are expressly forbidden to ask directions.
Add to this the fact that men are required to fight - in wars, in bars, in post office queues - and it's easy to appreciate that most spend their lives in a broth of nervous tension and sensations of impending doom.
Which explains why they're generally so messy. And, to make matters worse, they're big. Even quite small men are big. They have to clomp round on their big feet, support the constant, nagging weight of their big heads and manipulate objects with their big hands when everyone knows that all the useful things in life - remote controls, computer keyboards, mobile phones, buttons, bra clasps, cutlery - were actually designed for people with the hands of slender elves. No wonder there are breakages and hasty words.
Possibly for some of the reasons above, my relationships with men amount to a series of slow-motion car crashes. But now, after mature reflection, I've discovered the one key fact that would have helped me approach all male contingencies: men are essentially like horses.
No, no, no, not like that, nothing Catherine the Great about it. I mean, if you've ever had to deal with horses, you will know that they are large, powerful and often fine-looking things. But they are also afraid of dust, air, newspapers, traffic, loud noises, quiet noises, intermediate noises, each other, themselves and anything else they feel like. They tread a ghastly path between nervous exhaustion, potentially fatal coughing and leg injuries. Fair enough, if they're really terrified they can kill you by mistake, but treated with consideration they can be pitifully trusting and will put themselves tirelessly to work in return for a few pieces of liquorice or a kind word.
So speak gently to your men folk, rub their foreheads, make no sudden moves and you may find they'll be your friends for life. Be tender - they can seem noisy and inconvenient at times - but they're still probably worth the effort. And, above all, keep them away from sweeping generalisations that may irritate them, or affect their self-esteem.
So I hereby retract what I said about you being a slobberish incoherent speaker of the English language. I thought it was pretty cuteeeeee. :)
A woman lacks the extra spark of a special gene called the SRY that determines the sex region of the Y-Chromosome and summarily explains that even after watching reruns of Lust & Seduction we can still hold a perfectly intelligent conversation with the President. The SRY has clearly got a lot to answer for. But how can such a tiny sliver of genetic material have such profound consequences for a human being? The answer, says geneticist Professor Steve Jones, of University College London, is simple. 'The SRY is a switch that directs other genes on to their allotted path,' he states. It's like the railway points outside a large terminus: with a single tiny shift the SRY sends the sexual express towards one destination rather than another.
Al Kennedy describes what maketh a man perfectly. I shared this with the Astronomist and I feel obligated as a responsible alpha female to share this with you bear with the torture and read on.
Ah, men. Ah, sweeping generalisations. Of course, you wouldn't want to put the two together. Then again, somewhere in my reptile brain, they are together, because I am a creature of hormones and natural fluids and so, for me, men are divided sweepingly into Dofindattractive and Dontfindattractive. The ones in the former category can behave like lobotomised Visigoths with relative impunity and those in the latter can be saints come to earth, with particle physics degrees and the muscle tone of gods, and yet still seem, somehow, completely uninteresting. I try to rise above this, but frequently I don't. And as I find so very few men attractive and the rest of them are pretty much invisible, I can't say that I'm any kind of expert when it comes to my masculine counterparts.
But I have noticed a few points. For instance, there aren't any New Men. There are only men who want to hear about your periods so they can give you the kind of solemn look they'd offer to someone who's suffered a bereavement. When this makes you want to slap them, they will then look even more sympathetic because your Special Girlie Body Chemistry is clearly leading you astray. Then they will offer you cake. Or try to shag you. Or both. Naturally, there are men who want to hug each other, sit in sweat lodges and weep theatrically, but that's not exactly New.
Because men are all softies. I know, I know, that's entirely sweeping, but I've given this some thought and I would still argue that it's true. I have, for example, spent four hours trailing round shops with a man locked in the agony of buying himself trousers. The assistant in the first shop made him feel old, the second place made him feel fat, then he worried about his hair - and dying, possibly alone - and finally he stood, shaking and on the verge of hysteria, unable to even tell a gentleman's outfitter that he hadn't intended to test-run an overcoat.
Men don't actually want to have such a limited sartorial repertoire; they don't want to drag about in suits and ties and jeans and shell suits - they're just far too scared to try anything else. It takes huge support and coddling to get a man to even change his socks. Men can sometimes break out into brave, little displays of colour, the occasional mini-kilt, but this takes months of encouragement from other, understanding and strong-minded men who are used to adversity and well-versed in exotic fabrics. Men who dress like abandoned sofas and whose personal maintenance regimes rely entirely on stolen cloakroom soap and irregular splashes of cold water aren't hideous slobs, they've just given up, lonely and overwhelmed by the weight of their own ugliness. Men are expected to like and understand football, badger baiting, power tools, the internal combustion engine, and yet very many of them are tragically unhandy, unsporting and fond of badgers. Men are never allowed to be wrong, to read instruction manuals, and are expressly forbidden to ask directions.
Add to this the fact that men are required to fight - in wars, in bars, in post office queues - and it's easy to appreciate that most spend their lives in a broth of nervous tension and sensations of impending doom.
Which explains why they're generally so messy. And, to make matters worse, they're big. Even quite small men are big. They have to clomp round on their big feet, support the constant, nagging weight of their big heads and manipulate objects with their big hands when everyone knows that all the useful things in life - remote controls, computer keyboards, mobile phones, buttons, bra clasps, cutlery - were actually designed for people with the hands of slender elves. No wonder there are breakages and hasty words.
Possibly for some of the reasons above, my relationships with men amount to a series of slow-motion car crashes. But now, after mature reflection, I've discovered the one key fact that would have helped me approach all male contingencies: men are essentially like horses.
No, no, no, not like that, nothing Catherine the Great about it. I mean, if you've ever had to deal with horses, you will know that they are large, powerful and often fine-looking things. But they are also afraid of dust, air, newspapers, traffic, loud noises, quiet noises, intermediate noises, each other, themselves and anything else they feel like. They tread a ghastly path between nervous exhaustion, potentially fatal coughing and leg injuries. Fair enough, if they're really terrified they can kill you by mistake, but treated with consideration they can be pitifully trusting and will put themselves tirelessly to work in return for a few pieces of liquorice or a kind word.
So speak gently to your men folk, rub their foreheads, make no sudden moves and you may find they'll be your friends for life. Be tender - they can seem noisy and inconvenient at times - but they're still probably worth the effort. And, above all, keep them away from sweeping generalisations that may irritate them, or affect their self-esteem.
So I hereby retract what I said about you being a slobberish incoherent speaker of the English language. I thought it was pretty cuteeeeee. :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Trying to say goodbye
Life has became a blur of mediocrity and chasing deadlines. I was driving home the other day and I felt a wave of sadness washed over me. That wave left a salty trail in my heart and stained my cheeks. Nobody's sees the heartache that I cannot bring words to describe. That deep sense of longing to be complete. Its been awhile now, I have noticed but denied, my eyes never twinkle like it used to, the laughter ring empty and the tears never stop coming. There is so much I have yet to say and still wanna say to him since that day at Tullamarine. So much mendacity I have yet to unearth and spill...prayers that have yet to be answered.
I tried too hard to make it all go away in a flash. I pressed on a speedy recovery as Munchkin said. I miss you more each day and at each passing silence, I wonder, where did I go wrong? The song, 'Home' by Michael Buble plays in my head on a rewind. The very song you sang to me when you were away from me. You sang that may be you are surrounded by a million people yet you still feel all alone and you just wanna come home because you miss me. You knew why I couldn't go along with you because it was not my dream but I always believe in you..and you know that, right till that day. The texts you sent me, the emails you wrote and the phone calls you made...I just wish it never stop.
Nothing has been right since. Nothing feels right. Its knowing there will be no ducky voice to console me over the phone at 2 in the morning when I am upset. Its losing the essence of you. The jokes you make, the silly things we fight about, the tickles, the kissing through the phone, the tantrums, the whole 5 years of memories - gone. We shared a life albeit far.
Question is, what made you give up? Why didn't you wait like you promise? The dreams we shared, why did you have to shatter them?
When did it all happen and I didn't know...until you were gone...
Why is it so hard to say goodbye to us and to you? Why did it get so complicated? Why the lies, the tears and the could've tried and kept to your more lies, just no more.
You did not need a 2nd chance....all you need is an atonement that will never come..and all I need is a little more faith that the details in the fabric of our relationship will fade out
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Truth be told I miss you
I still experienced that nostalgic glow every time I chanced upon pictures of you and I. I don't mean to keep count but it has been over half a year since that last flight out, that last winter and that solemn goodbye. I guess this is partly a case of "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone", but also this is probably a knee jerk reaction to the trials and tribulations of adjusting to life without you. I guess it is natural to crave for the companionship as a sort of comfort blanket, when thrown in the maelstrom of life.
Having spent the months with you, I've found a number of unusual things I miss about you.
You know about the beer and the cheese (not that I particularly binge on them), then there are the usual suspects of pubs and fish and chips. Once I scratch the superficial surface I notice things that have really come to define what it means to live with you. Its not the blunder of trying to cook homely dishes that brings back warm memories but rather the trotting in the cold, clattering of teeth and freezing of butt just for a dinner night out. I miss those. Damn the cold but nothing beats doing the silly things in winter with you.
Remember looking out from the attic based bedroom and recognising people, the old man on his super charged mobility bike proudly sporting the England Flag (not that he'll need that anymore), the old woman and her daily fish and chips order around 10pm (lets face it, when you get to her age all notions of healthy eating must surely go out of the window - and if she wants to drink a bottle of sherry a night to go with it that's her affair [not that I've seen her with these, she conceals well]), kids being dropped off at school creating a fifteen minute traffic jam.
I miss being called 'love' and 'darling'.
The weekly pilgrimage to the all you can eat (but wished you hadn't) China Buffet!
Then there are the grocery shopping trips. I love them the most. I feel that I got to know you better during those trips. Jamming my trolley pack with English tea bags, Beanfeast packet veggie mince, Quorn, Marmite, Branston Pickle, Marks and Spencer bucks fizz, cheap supermarket wine and Twinnings Blackberry, Nettle herbal tea, Gallexy Chocolate, Yorkshire Tea.
Catching a glimpse of you in the mornings and the chills you give me in the winter when I slipped out of my duvet in my jammies to hit the shower. I miss the morning hearty breakfast I often took for granted.
Your unpredictability weather and arrogant accent. Cloudy in the morning and shinning in the noon - a temperament which I find to be erratic but uniquely you.
I miss the strolls in the park; basking in your ambient of serenity and the occasionally walks by the beach. I also cannot forget the long Sunday lunches.
The people you brought to my life who were simply sincere and genuine inside out. Friends who left their footprints in my life all because of you.
Truth be told my heart still holds you in a special place that I probably will regret leaving you on a Boeing-707...I will give the world to be back in England again.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
What hurts the most
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I am waiting for the Bus

Hope only comes when you have faith and love united as one. When one is missing from the equation, hope will not conjure from the air and be sprinkled upon you. Life is like a marathon. There will be mountains to climb and valley to descend. There will be tricky bumps along the way, showers of rain and blows of gutsy wind. How many times do we fall from our walk and we end up crawling like an ant in those times of weariness and depression? As torrid as it may sound, brace yourself and equip yourself with this knowledge - all of us, without knowing it are actually "bubble wrap" with His love.
Wherever we go, Christ goes and wherever Christ goes, we go. When crossing oceans, He promised to give us wings to fly and soar above the storm. When falling behind the race, He promises to run alongside us till we pick up. When the walk becomes a crawl, He promises to help us up to walk again. Nevertheless, before all these help comes, one must learn to wait. Waiting on the Lord is like enduring the wait for the long journey home.
When the right bus comes, you hop on it and there you are - set on reaching your destiny. Someone once said, what do you do when you discover that you are on the wrong bus? You alight and take the right one? Well, one thing for sure, when you wait at the bus stop, you do not just hop on any bus that comes along. You must have :-
1.)waited and spotted the right one
2.)flagged it down or stood right in front of it and pray that it doesn't knock you down
3.)hopped on it and let the driver yelled at you for trying to put a dent in his bus
4.)found a seat and settle down - secure in the knowledge that this is the ride to your destiny.
So why is there a sudden thought that you have gotten on the wrong one? Was the journey longer than expected? Have then just been too many bumpy rides that make you want to strangle the driver? Well, being on the bus and waiting to arrive at your destination is like waiting on God. There are days you will have thoughts that you are on the wrong bus. There are days you just wished you could kill the driver and there are days, you just wish you had not gotten on the bus. There are also days when you are squash by sweaty hairy people. There may not be anything interesting along the bus ride but it is important to you, to God and to others who depend on you that you stay on the bus and wait. Waiting on the Lord is the secret of keeping going when you feel like quitting.
It makes a difference when you quiet your heart and learn to enjoy the ride. It makes a difference when you do not give into the whisper of the enemy to kill the driver. It also makes a difference if you brazen yourself to ask for a vomit bag when the journey becomes bumpy. Instead of getting sick of the long ride, you will be capturing the amazing things along the way. Have faith that the bus you chose to hop will bring you to your destination. Learn to fall in love with the little stops that the ride brings you to and with these two in toll, you can conjure hope that this journey will have a rainbow end.
Wherever we go, Christ goes and wherever Christ goes, we go. When crossing oceans, He promised to give us wings to fly and soar above the storm. When falling behind the race, He promises to run alongside us till we pick up. When the walk becomes a crawl, He promises to help us up to walk again. Nevertheless, before all these help comes, one must learn to wait. Waiting on the Lord is like enduring the wait for the long journey home.
When the right bus comes, you hop on it and there you are - set on reaching your destiny. Someone once said, what do you do when you discover that you are on the wrong bus? You alight and take the right one? Well, one thing for sure, when you wait at the bus stop, you do not just hop on any bus that comes along. You must have :-
1.)waited and spotted the right one
2.)flagged it down or stood right in front of it and pray that it doesn't knock you down
3.)hopped on it and let the driver yelled at you for trying to put a dent in his bus
4.)found a seat and settle down - secure in the knowledge that this is the ride to your destiny.
So why is there a sudden thought that you have gotten on the wrong one? Was the journey longer than expected? Have then just been too many bumpy rides that make you want to strangle the driver? Well, being on the bus and waiting to arrive at your destination is like waiting on God. There are days you will have thoughts that you are on the wrong bus. There are days you just wished you could kill the driver and there are days, you just wish you had not gotten on the bus. There are also days when you are squash by sweaty hairy people. There may not be anything interesting along the bus ride but it is important to you, to God and to others who depend on you that you stay on the bus and wait. Waiting on the Lord is the secret of keeping going when you feel like quitting.
It makes a difference when you quiet your heart and learn to enjoy the ride. It makes a difference when you do not give into the whisper of the enemy to kill the driver. It also makes a difference if you brazen yourself to ask for a vomit bag when the journey becomes bumpy. Instead of getting sick of the long ride, you will be capturing the amazing things along the way. Have faith that the bus you chose to hop will bring you to your destination. Learn to fall in love with the little stops that the ride brings you to and with these two in toll, you can conjure hope that this journey will have a rainbow end.
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