Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cupid Vs Tiger

Yellow Peoples, Chinese New Year is just around the corner. According to Wikipedia, Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar. According to Nie, Chinese New Year is the only time of the year, everyone gathers to give and collect money respectively. Don't you agree? What other time of the year are you allowed to visit people's home or people will open their gates so wide to welcome you so they can give you money without asking anything from you in return? On top of that, they even feed and water you, for FREE TOO!! So good or not, this festive season that the yellow peoples celebrate? *grins*

This year, February 14th 2010 marks two occasion : Valentine's day and Chinese New Year. Cupid Vs Tiger.

"Whether you see Valentine’s Day as a chance to shower a loved one in gifts or a good excuse to order an extra-dry gin martini, you’re probably going to think about love at some point that day."

"Whether you see Chinese New year as a festive season to rake in the "ang pows" or a good excuse to binge eat on all the cookies and delicious food, you're probably going to think about money and food at some point."

While some of us are blessed to be going back to celebrate the New year and at the least, have the reunion dinner with our loved ones, some of us have to make do with the comfort of friends abroad. It is at times like this, that we all yearn for the warmth of our family and the familiarity of our homes.

I have done my share in boosting the Malaysian economy; Squandered all my money to clothe myself so I will look pretty and nice this New Year and have been a fillial daughter giving my parents a small portion of my hard earned money as everyone around me seemed to be doing so. This is the first year I am digging money from my own pocket and also the first time after a little while, really looking forward to usher in the New Year. My Fengshui master prophecy this is a good year for the Ox, like me. He said this is the year a rich and handsome man will ask for my hand in marriage. He did not exactly said it in those words but you get the idea, I should be popping babies by next year. Peoples, Just laugh with me. We shall just wait and see the stripes the tiger will reveal for me this year.

As for Valentine's Day, I know the Astronomist is planning a surprise because the Dentist could not keep his mouth shut and spilt half the beans. I am not amused. Because the surprises that the Astronomist springs often sweep me of my feet and I am not sure if I can reciprocate in kind. My heart is a confused organ. Maybe I should consider an organ transplant? I sure hope he does not send me another air ticket to wherever he is going to be this CNY. Why't can he seem to get that I am just like any other girl?! All I want is the 1 carat, solitare, princess cut, VS1, colour E diamond.

Just kidding.

Truth be told, I do not know what I want any longer. On one hand, the smell of his freshly done laundry still lingers in memory and on the other, I dread having "the talk" with him.

Reality Vs Ideality perhaps?

Note: I am looking forward to the Golden Sands Retreat.