The educated elite girls are the ones whom their whole lives have guys back-rubbing them and kow tow to their every wish, whimps and desires. Not only do they have the brains, they are highly sophisticated. There is no textbook guide to get over to this highly pretentious Ox-bridge chicks. It would seem silly if you hang over a chandelier singing Sinatra while showering red velvety petals over her head to woe her. although what a wonderful thought. You probably stand a chance if you model for Calvin Klein and/or is as suave as Daniel Craig. Man, I would drown in those blue eyes.
Fortunately for you poor souls out there, there is no need to bend over and pretend to sound knowledgeable just to get to know yours truly this valentine. I love fireworks and romance. Put them together, add 500ml of water and stir continously - whoodap, you will have me in an instance! It would be extra lovely if you throw in rose petals and a mini orchestra and a whole gasping crowd when you get down on one knee and proclaim your eternal and undying love for me.
So I am attracted to a mate who is also intellectually and physically adventurous and interested in dissecting this complex, tangible universe. I particularly like imaginative and theoretical people, a "mind mate." I have nerves of steel and thrive on the edge. I am also decisive and direct. So I am unconsciously drawn to those who can balance out my highly independent and tough-minded spirit--those who are novelty seeking, yet compassionate, verbal, intuitive, trusting, flexible and emotionally expressive.
You cannot fall in love with a man whom you cannot laugh with. so laughter seals the deal with me. I like men who can make me laugh. laugh like a hyena kinda laughters and not Jane Austen characters kinda stupid silly giggles. If we get married at 30 and live until we're 80 (assuming life expectancies increase), that's 50 years with ONE person. and if that person cannot make me laugh, I would be so miserable for 50 years that I would wish I died at 50 instead of 80, because 20 years spent with one person frowning and not being able to hollow my lungs out and filled it with laughing gas aint a life worth living. If my man can make me die laughing, its' all worthwhile because I know I had the last laugh!
I also like to date attractive men. If I am going to be stuck with you for 50 years, it helps if you are someone I can stand looking at for 50 years x 365 days x (possible) 24 hours. If also helps if you have nice and straight orthodontic teeth like mine so when I lean forward to kiss you, my brains would not go hay-wire making jokes out of your teeth that I would just fall backwards laughing like a maniac. tall, dark and handsome definitely fits the description.
Truth be told, it is no longer about perfection, but one of compatibility. I've learned to love and appreciate all that comes with it after years of being in a complacent state of a rusty relationship, and I've decided to commit and put all the years of learning and hard work into a single person. He must be special in the sense that he offers what my previous relationships couldn't. he becomes a conglomeration of everything I've learned about what I want in a significant other, and though he might not be perfect, he is perfection in my eyes.
So come this Valentine, I will be the cream filing and you be the nuts and we both can be the chocoluts! life will be too depressing when you cannot hope and you don't have a little faith....