Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just us

I have quite an obvious indifference on whether people likes me or not. I also think my Achilles' heel is probably my poignant intolerance towards humourless people lacking in intellect, emotion, empathy or character. The raison d'etre for my blatant sarcastic attitude is that - life is so short  and I shouldn't waste time with shallow idiots who make Paris Hilton sound like Mother Teresa.

I do need to work on how I relate to others. SM had a point when he said I needed to review my relationship skills. Look, I know I can sometimes shut down and give you that blank stare when my brain cells cannot make sense of the words that are coming out from you and I may have lapsed into the leagues of unintentional rudeness at times.

I have meet vastly different kind of people in my growing years (until I stop growing and became the small person I am today) and was exposed to a disapora of individual personalities. Now, I find myself to be more selective. refining the group of people I hang out with. or maybe the proper word is discerning.

Nick Hornby once said that it was no good pretending any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party. I think ours would. SM's idea of a great movie are characters who speak in a language that I can only understand if he translates them for me. Okay, I admit. There may be a slight communication breakdown. But I think I can relate to his record collections. Perhaps.

A small part of me tends to agree with this sentiment. The idea of being in a relationship with someone who shares my interests and similar perspective on life is warmly comforting. I tend to be very passionate about the things I love so there's a large part of me that wants to be with a man whom when I read a great book, hear an amazing song, watch a deeply moving film or discover a new restaurant, I can run up to him excitedly and yell, "Look what I found! This is US!" Then I suppose SM will just look up from my IPhone - take a 5 seconds pause - give me that sheepish you-are-just-so-cute polite smile and go back to killing whoever or whatever he is killing.

On the other hand, doesn't every couple start off by talking about all the things they have in common? And if the relationship doesn't last, don't you just end up thinking about all the ways you were so different? More importantly, isn't life much more interesting being with someone who not only has different interests but also brings a different perspective to life?

Although I think we get together with someone because they are similar with us in many aspects, share the same goals and visions and are interested in traipsing the journey together. I cannot emphasise it even more that my primary consideration of being with someone is because I can laugh with him.  I like to know after a long day at Planet workplace, I have someone to go back to and laugh about things, share a joke and lie in bed together giggling.

Perhaps the ideal goal of a relationship between two people isn't a merging of two individuals. On the contrary, maybe the healthiest long-term relationships accept that, even between the closest people, infinite distances exist and the key to happiness is to not only wholly love someone but also to be comfortable with the great expanse that inherently lies between you.

Honestly, I don't know what the future brings for me and I'll confess that there are times when this uncertainty makes me a tad nervous. Maybe then again, I just think damn too much.
Like Papa Walrus once said, I am too smart for my own good.