Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jokerbird my pet crow

I went through a chronic phase once whereby I simply enjoyed doing things alone. I meant it. Alone. Just me, myself and I. Three of us but still alone. You get my drift. It started somewhere around after the Christmas breaks in England and lasted for awhile when I returned home. So for slightly under 18 months, I enjoyed going to the malls by myself, eating on my own, cooking on my own, watching tv by myself, taking walks in the park alone, slurping chai tea latte in my favourite coffeehouse on my own and taking long bus rides all by myself.

How did I even fell into this vacumm of solitude?

Well, once upon a time, in a land far away where the temperatures were as cold as your freezer and the people spoke in a funny accent, I had a pet crow (named Jokerbird) whom I love with all my heart and soul. Life was brilliant then, I tell you. I chirped and sang to it on a daily basis. Yes, I chirped and sang for the crow of mine not vice versa. I fed it with the finest bird feed and let it drank from Avian bottled water. However, much to my horror of horrors, my pet crow eventually got sick and tired of me and died. The unexpected death of my pet crow was traumatic. I found it difficult to get through the days without the chirping and singing. It was such an agonising period and there was such a huge void in my life that could not be filled then. No one could take my sorrows away and in my depressing state, I slipped into desolation.

Now - wasn't that touching? No? You peoples are so hard to please. I tell story, not only you all did not applaud but also failed to appreciate the literary depth of such a heartwarming tale. But it is okie. I am a very forgiving person. I understand how some of you did not go to my University in the North East of England and would be unable to appreciate the magnitude and impact of the death of my pet crow in my life. My Uni had Gordon Sumner, a.k.a. Sting and Jonathan Ive, a.k.a father of the Ipod.  That is enough said.

Sorry, I burned all pictures of Jockerbird when it left me all alone in this big wide world to fend for myself. Otherwise I could have shown you how shinny its feathers were when it was still alive and useless.

Anyway I have broken out of my routine of living in loneliness. I found solace in lame jokes and lame people.