Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Humans - so hard to please

I have make it to the middle of a frenetic week. *pats on the back* I am anticipating re-runs of a week like this until my trial is completely over. Just yesterday, I spent the whole morning in Court yawning waiting for my case to be heard only to be told close to lunch time that it is postpone to the afternoon. Oh wells, the whole team took it to our stride,went for brunch and drinks next door, killed time and lugged ourselves back to Court again with full valour and excitement to fight our case - only to have it part heard and postpone to another date. This is the glamarous life I lead.

This whole 'lawyering' job sometimes saps up so much of my jovial happy fun self that I am worried, I will be turning to a grumpy-frumpy-old-wrinkled woman with a quarter-life-crisis (provided I am blessed to live a century, otherwise I am even more doomed) very soon. I just need a more balanced life. I need more people in my life. Working life can be a social suicide compared to the times when you were in college and living like a yuppie. There is only so much time and energy you have after a whole day at work. How am I going to find a rich and nice man to marry more balanced life?

At the start of the year, I told God (Yes, surprise surprise, I do pray) that if He puts more excitement in the things I do to be able to afford my expensive facials, a.k.a. makes me use more of my brains at work, I will think He is a crackerjack of a God and bug Him a wee bit less to send the right man my way. Anyway, God Answers Prayers. So my lawyering career picked up, my life got busier and everything became so hectic I don't even have time to oggle at guys at my favourite coffeehouse watch CSI. Hallelujah, Amen!

I am not very nifty when it comes to my prayers. I should have told Him - God, make me use my brains at work but don't overworked me, don't kill my social life and don't forget, I still want to use my uterus and find a man to inseminate my eggs.
Yes, so my life is a little off balanced because I asked for it. I craved to be thrown into the deep end of the pool and I took the stir stick and caused my own yeesang this pandemonium. *Why oh Why?!*

However I believe, in the grand scheme of things, the stars should eventually aligned and things should fall into place as I go along.*keeping my fingers and toes crossed*

Of course, deep down, I would want a more laid back life. Truth is, there are so many things I wish could have happened differently. But all in all, things happen for a reason. I try not to live life on "what ifs", I want to try new things, live out of my comfort zone, and yet be grounded in the right soil. In summation, even if I hit a maelstrom, I vow to hang on tight to my principles and not lose sense of myself.

So though life is not always rosy - SM doesn't always ring to make me laugh, I still have to work my tiny butt off at Planet Workplace and its been a year since I jetsetted to an exotic part of the world, I am satisfied with the decisions I have made. I would be telling the truth if I said the past months had been a sum of all the best decisions that I could have made for myself.

I am also satiated for now. Lucy Choo is back from the republic of kiasu-ism to entertain and amuse me. This is one woman who has seen me through thick and thin and everytime she returns on the jetplane, she never fails to bring me gifts. The benefits of having this woman as my bosom buddy. I love her for showering me with M & S cookies her hysterical laughters, for her encouragements, for her honesty and for being that person in my life I know I can fall back on no matter how far I have gone.

Baby, I am at the right place and at the right time - please convince me otherwise.