Monday, October 12, 2009

Fuck that!

Fuck! It's his 23rd. Yes his! My wedding singer's.

For fucks sake.

He is 23 today. It's his birthday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!*pops champagne and throws confetti) And guess what the hell he is doing now? (*singing his birthday song and blowing out the candles on his cake??)

Wrapped up in his duvet since 4pm, drinking ho yan hor, popping lemsip pills and why? Because he has a nasty cold, slight fever and a sore throat. PAH. Chow Cibai. (Smelly pussy!!) His nose is leaking (from sniffing all that Smelly pussies), his head is sore from the constant blowing of nose, he has used tissue strewn all over his bed and floor, his throat feels like sandpaper, he is hot and cold at the same time, and he feels like bleurgh. This is the first time he has fallen sick during his birthday and it sucks ass. Whyyyyyyyyy?!! (In Plan Bee's dramatic fashion - hands open up in the air, looking up to heaven)


He is not amused. At all. What a way to usher in 23.