Monday, November 2, 2009

Because I am at work

15 minutes before lunchtime. Counting, I have been sitting on my ass for 4 hours and my back is showing signs of osteoporosis. If I were to report to mother ship of my progress in invading this little planet called, Workplace, I guess there is not much of a discovery YET. As far as I can tell, the Worklings dwelling in Planet Workplace are people who tries to stretch as little work as possible over a period of a few hours. A little piece of fact to support my above observation - the office clerk sitting next to me is still on the same page she has been typing since 9am this morning. Since the occupant of my designated room has yet to move out for the new resident evil, I am stuck sitting next to said workling who at the time of typing this sentence is taking orders from other worklings to purchase shoes and handbags. How are these two items related to law, I am baffled myself. There are still some mysteries surrounding this Planet Workplace that I have yet to have answers to.

Like most things new, this place feels raw. Little things can awe you and the tiniest act of kindness can make you pledge your kidney away. I am treading with caution and like most newbies, I want to be liked so I can blend in and be one of them. However there is a thin line to be drawn between desperately wanting to fit in and being a pushover. Sometimes, this line can be blurred and as friendly as every new kid on the block should be, I try not to come out as whimpsy, soft and set my boundaries clear. Play nice in the playground but do not let the other kids put sand in your buttcrack and still say nothing.

This is what I do for a living. No, not being a pineapple head, but defending a pineapple head.

Planet workplace is filled with people from crossgeneration. It ranges from those as youthful as Nie here to those who are just starting families and to those who has reach menopause. Each generation brings their own sets of values, principles, life experiences and a myriad of personalities. I think it is a battle alone to gain acceptance but it is a war to behave like an adult among a seas of OLDER adults. The older generations like to be asked, not be told. The younger ones have to push and sometimes dragged along. A friend once told me that you should have two faces to put on at work. One that reads, "I don't bite" or one that reads, "I am jaws".

Every job depends on us BEING nice. I like my current name and I don't intend to have it changed to Miss Meanie at work. The old days of office politics as a means of backstabbing are dead -- young people are bringing their team-player, I'm-competing-against-my-best-self mentality from their self-esteem-centric homes into the workplace, and there's nothing you can do except be nice back. So, I will try my very best to be peaches and cream!

Here's amongst the nicest advice and words I have heard before and since I started work:

Daddy Dearest                        : Be humble and don't tell everyone everything
Roomie from Planet workplace: Just do your work and act serious
Brazillian Chick                       : Don't be bitchy and don't gossip
Plan Bee                                 : Don't worry, everything will work out just fine (thank you for calling all the 
                                                way from Istana Baru to comfort me the night before)
Suavest Maximus                    : Will ice-cream take your stress away?

This is just the beginning of exploration of Planet Workplace, the rest is still unwritten and unexplored. Wish me Luck people..I am off to pacify my growling tummy.