Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The power of Communication - part 1

Without needing to debate further, all would agree, love just ain't enough to hold a relationship together. The glue or rather the secret to a healthy relationship is Condom, Cash, Communication! As men are martians and woman are venusians, no matter how compatible or perfect we may be for each other, we are still two different species. We will tend to disagree, come into disagreement, banter, bicker, beat each other up and nag one another till one of our ear's bleed.

Women always find that the men they are dating do not care about them, do not have time for them, do not seem to understand them (which translate to mean, when you asked her what she wants to eat, she answers whatever and you order Chicken Cordon Blue instead of her whatever version of Marina Platter), ill-treats them, do not shower them enough love (which translate to mean, "my friend's sister's bf gave her a Prada for her birthday and you only gave me a Tiffany Bracelet! you don't love me!"), do not care enough for them or do not have a brain. Why don't you friggin' buy a brain??!! she yells from across the room and throws the hairdryer at you.

Woman also always find that the sweet and funny man they fell in love with has changed, transform to megatron  OR evolved to a different species after dating for a couple of years. During courtship, the guy would climb every mountain, swim every ocean and go through heaven and hell just to impress the girl. They would be so romantic and write poems that put Shakespeare to shame. After having gotten the girl, all that romance seems to be so surreal. That man in shining armour is just a chimera. The spider has lurred the fly to its web. If you say, "darling, why you don't text me so often anymore?" he will say, "you think i've shares in maxis/digi/celcom/whichever telco company isit? you think i don't need to work ah..everyday text you, text you!" So you see, THAT'S WHY IT WILL NEVER WORK OUT.

Communication is vital to live harmoniously but it has to be communicated in the right way.  Two has to be engaging in a conversation, a speaker and a listener, for there to be a communication. One person doing all the talking, the nagging, the screaming and the whinning while another trying not to hurl back abuses at you is not a dialogue. You may call that a monologue if you like. I would call that a communication breakdown. If you do not tell me how you feel, I would not know. If you do not tell me what you like for dinner, I could only guess. If you do not spend so much time playing computer games, then maybe, you will take notice that I just trimmed 2cms of my hair. If husbands would spend more talking to their wives, less affairs would take place. Just like men cannot read women's mind, we women do not have a crystal ball to consult about what is going through yours either.

Dear Males, we females do not demand alot. Just a fraction of your time and your affection. Of course we may disagree, quarrel and fight each other to death but what seperates all these arguments from those that make us grow closer and those that break up couples is how we overcome our differences together. Its that willingness to make that phone call or type that text or even write that email after we have cool down and calm down. When we are ready to talk like rational adults, we should take that chance to reconcile, compromise, kiss and make up. The way we relate and see pass the differences. The little opportunities to get to know each other better, to learn about each other and to reflect on our actions, our words and our thoughts. It is how we communicate our feelings, our fears, our dreams, our joys and our sorrows. It may not be just words, it can be an action, a gift, a helping hand, a hug, Tiffany, Prada, Manilo Blahniks, and a whole other goodies.

Not everday can be like Club Med. It's the tough times that test the waters. It's the first hug after a cold war that warms the heart. It's nothing more than communication...