Thursday, March 12, 2009

Breakfast Thoughts

I'm positive that every thought that's popped into my head and every epiphany or conclusion that I've arrived at has been come to by someone else during the course of time. Sometime or somewhere in the span of the cosmos someone has looked up into the same night sky and pondered the same questions and arrived at the same conclusions. It doesn't dawn on us that we are actually looking at the same bright sky no matter where in the world we may be. While societies and circumstances are different the important questions never change.

Why are we here? Who am I?
And why do we treat each other the way we do?

It is amazing how the human race could have survived for so long and never have learned anything from each other. The common adage is to avoid learning the lesson the hard way if we can so choose it. But really no lesson can be truely learned unless it was hard, unless it was experienced - firsthand. Humans are pitiful short-lived creatures; it is a shame that we cannot continue our dreams during the prime of our developement or at least pass on the knowledge we've collected. Just when you've got things figured out life changes and fucks you where it hurts the most.

But then again maybe it is because of our constraints that we achieve so far. We take what brief time we are granted and borrow/steal what we can get to squeeze out every last drop of precious opportunity. Each and every one of us needs to experience the lessons of life ourselves, firsthand - the hard way. We may want and we may try but the lessons never pass on. It is through this strange and torturous proccess that our truths today are more true than than they were yesterday - because each succeeding generation has been forced to find them ourselves and refilter everything untill we are closer to perfection.