Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Finding the B-spot

I was chatting with the journalist cum writer the other day- sneaking on msn during work hours, absolutely my idea of wild adventure. The cacastrophy of being caught is explosive. I still do it discreetly. Its my thrilling magic carpet ride. We chatted about the variety of topics bloggers blog about. The myriad stories that people tell on virtual world. The little secrets that the world spill onto the pages of their blogs and tainting the mind of innocent readers with the wonders of the world. Taunting some to curiosity, lurring some to a fantasy world and driving others to boredom.

Jason Mraz, God bless his sweet voice, if granted access to read my blog while pooing in his toilet, would describe that the kind of words I write kind of turn themselves into knife. if i don't mind his nerve, I can call it fiction because he likes to be submerged into my contradictions. Although I am biased, he will still love my advice. My comebacks are quick and they probably have to do with my insecurities. but hey, its no harm being crazy depending on how my readers paraphase my words and the relationship i am stagging. My blog in summary is a beautiful mess of emotions. singing and dancing in this magical sweetness, i steal your heart. Mes-Meh-Raz me and I'm yours to cuddle and tickle.

I enjoyed salivating over the pictures from the journalist's blog. She tempts me with the posh and exotic food she is forced to try. Her nature of work brings her to places I want to go but would never make plans to go. She has a whole list of celebrities she has interviewed, wink at, flirted with and I am sure she will yawn at my girlish squeals if I see Jason Mraz. She has visited the most remote and relaxing hotels in Malaysia. Bascially, she travels extensively. So she is the blogger who tempts and lure readers to her web of....enjoyment? yuppie living? Binge eating? Luxury spending? Then there is Plan Bee who blogs in funny english and talks about things he 'see' from his window. Munchkin who pens about life and the idiocracy reserve for us. The podiatrist who yaks about the Hongkie life. The volleyball freak who rants about what else..vollyeball...and her ridiculous life in high school. typical hormone raging adolescent angst.

So what typically attracts you to someone's blog? The little spice in it that keeps you coming back for more? Could it be: -

1.) First Impression -
They say first impression is everything. This holds true in business and pleasure which midly includes reading/invading the not-so- private rantings of another earthling. We base so much on that first reading of an entry. There's a lot of luck involved. People like me are lucky when we can control what we read and not let our mind screw anything up right off the bat. OK, maybe there is some control over that, but what about subtle things?

2.) Chemistry -
When my high school teacher told me that everything a human does is based on chemical reactions in the brain, I was floored. From then on I walked around wondering about the chemical reactions going on in my head that made me wave to a friend, or snap my fingers along with a song. Hell, how do the chemicals in my brain even make me like a song?With so much complex brain chemistry telling us what we like, what we do, who we are, and if we are happy or sad, we are lucky that people even exist that we can blend with. I am convinced that my brain chemistry is so scrambled that there are no possible compatible blog site that I am addicted to. But I'll keep looking, and perhaps I will be lucky enough to find one which is not only compatible, but makes all my brain chemistry happy.

Tell me what makes a blog tick?