Sunday, March 29, 2009

Seasons in the sun

There is a season for everything. A season where you wake up to white sheets of snow outside your window and a season where the leaves turn a shimmering tri-colours of golden yellow, red and orange. Then there are the seasons of emotions. A climate where warm light streak into the chambers of your heart and keep it fuzzy or a weather forecastof clouds that shields the ambers of sun from reaching your heart - slowly, denying it from heat and freezing it. Last weekend's get-away with sun, sea and beach kept me redolent of a summer love affair filled with laughters and delectable fun. The whole trip was a winsome combination of aestival. A season to ameliorate relationships and friendships with some scintilla of love thrown into it.

It all began a the crack of dawn. Us lugging our tired selves on board our ferry ride but filled with paroxysm of excitement. albeit the choppy rides on the waves, we slept the way through. stirring up occasionally to check if we are there yet. We carried a week's of stress on some of our shoulders - shrugged it and had it thrown into the seas of Langkawi. The sun shone on us while the 3 brats swam and yelled and scream like children in the sea while yours truly chose shades under coconut trees and read a good book. We ate like we have never tasted food so good. We turned 3 shades darker, reddish and brown, but it was a healthy tanning session and nobody gave a hoot. there were a mutlifarious of activities to be done on the island but time constraint prevented from going full throttle to have fun.

Despite the limited 36 hours we had, the rubbish car we rented, the heat from the sun and the long cumbersome car rides - I must confess, we are a garrulous bunch of four. Laudable for our enthusiasm and our facetious spirits. Deep down, each of us carried back not just souvenirs of chocolate bars and sandy slippers, but a veritable happiness. memories that are ingrained in our hearts. leaving a disconsolation we felt the weeks before behind. a refreshing start and a renewal of the tiresome soul. it was a caesura we all needed from the reality of life. we were tired of being sentinel to our surroundings and for once, we were carefree, ignorant and lead an ephemeral yuppie life on the shores of langkawi.

I cannot ask for more than this short weekend away. I am for one contented just to be in the company of genuine friends who could laugh with me, sing with me, banter with me and let me just be my silly self. who read the maps, watch out for road signs and drove the windy roads. who laugh like horses and take chill pills. a boisterious bunch of 4, overspilling with awesome-ness. It may not be the best trip, but it was one that left my heart longing for more, for another season in the sun...