Tuesday, May 19, 2009

12 random excuse to escape boredom at work

1. My inability to speak proper Chinese and yellow skin often prompt people I just meet to ask me, " are you Chinese or Malay?" followed by "are you local?"3 quarters Vietnamese, 1 quarter Thai - that makes me a hybrid homosapien and not exactly local. I am just an immigrant from north mainland who is seeking refuge on the island.

2. I was brutally abuse by evil swimming coaches and piano teachers who scared my life to success. I dominated the swimming scene when I was four after my coach threw me in the pool on my first lesson and nearly drown me. I could play the Beethovan when I was six after my piano teacher hit my fingers with a metal ruler for failing to curl my fingers every time I played. At 21, after graduating from law school, I vowed to hunt these people down and sue them penniless. Just kidding!

3. My grandmother believes pills are the magical solution to all ailments. If I come down with something, it's because I'm not taking enough pills. I have no idea how people survived before nutritional supplements if her theories are true.

4. My favourite ice cream topping is marshmallow. No other ice cream parlor serves that here except Swenson's.

5. I dislike pretentious people. People who say nice things and what you want to hear but never the truth. In my opinion, only those who are spineless are unable to speak the truth with grace and love.

6. I tend to concentrate better when allowed to manifest an obsession over a single project at the expense of all other aspects in my life. This seems to run contrary to my current strategy of taking on way too many things at once and attempting to pay equal attention to them all.

7. Until last Spring, I honestly believe I was going to force myself to move Down Under and devote my life to my college sweetheart because I never had to guts to walk out of his life.

8. I keep a blog that I update when I have nothing better to do at work. It allows me to feel the thrill of doing something 'illegal'. If you can't find my blog, you can stop reading on.

9. I always wanted to go to Norway to see the Northern Lights. I still do.

10. Most people would say I am pretty uptight. I try not to belittle anyone I just met or know but ultimately, I still think highly of myself.

11. I don't like to share. I don't share my food and I don't like to know my best friend is someone else's best friend too. I like to have things of my own and yet people view this as selfish. Right?

12. I believe God has a funny way of poking fun at my love life. He puts people in my life and make them love me only to take them away when I am starting to love them.