Friday, December 12, 2008

Love begins with the letter L

We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh with. and whenever the future hinges on an unknown cliff, don't let logic interfere, let your heart do the thinking and the talking, let the whispers of your heart guide you. I, for one have became an incredulous personage of this whole 'believe your heart instead' kinda business when it comes to love. but the heart often has reasons that reason cannot know. Be still my heart. Lately its starting to have a mind of its own. It can go far and wide just to be near the one I love. One's darnesdest to stop it from doing things like that is futile. As hard as I may try to deny, the supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.

You remember last when it was like to speak to that special someone. that person who holds the key to your heart. once unlock, it unleashes a multidinous of symptoms of being in love. that one person in your life is enough. you do not need a populous of minions to make you smile. that one person who knows how to make you smile. the rights words to say. the right things to do. just being there listening, learning, looking, loving, lamentating, living - all for you.

its shaming not many share your deepen love. its a secret you feel embarass to let others know. your little secret that you are too shy to share. afraid others will poke fun at your heart. fragile as your emotions may be, its easily break-able. you cant have a serious relationship until you let this immaginery one go. its a fleeting moment of here and there. to let go and live for the now instead of hoping of what tomorrow may bring and the endless list of what-if(s). if you think your unfilled love is romantic, think deeper. its irresponsible. its not allowing yourself a chance to know the world. its closing the doors on others to love you.

someone once said, "if you want to work on something: write a book, record a song, build a fucking bridge. do something productive. contribute to society. relationships are a type of ostentatious masturbation - we only serve ourselves. and in the end, everyone settles for less than perfection and all we're left with is a sticky mess that no one wants to clean up".
it's funny you say that, i replied. because no matter how hard we try to be different, we still end up living life according to platitudes. there's just too many of them out there. for instance, i'm now coveting what i don't have... but i'm not going to deny myself that feeling.

just like some of you are there, sometimes i deny my heart the opportunity to love another. i build a wall to keep others from penetrating it. like a safe deposit. a stealth. a strong wall of steal that keeps robbers away. robbers with no mercy who will take my heart away and boil it in soup on a winters day.

don't ever let them have it, you tell yourself. keep telling yourself that and you will never taste the sweetness of real life romance. wake up and smell the roses today. this very moment. do it!