Monday, December 1, 2008

Not just another pretty face

When Mr.lyricist wrote the song 'Beautiful Soul' sang by the ever so gorgeous Jesse McCartney, I am sure he wasn't thinking of Jesse's pretty face. Singing the song word for word, ( I used to mumble the lines I don't know and sing out loud the only line I knew from the song - "I want you and your beautiful soul") dawned upon me that Mr.lyricst must be sick of dating just girls whose beauty is just skin deep. Ugly goes deep down to the bone. I am so glad I am beautiful inside out. I have eyes that glow like fireflies, eyelashes that flutters sexily, teeth that deserves to be on adverts for toothpaste, skin that oils up so much you can probably fry an egg with it and most of all, a heart that melts easily.

When God wrote my love story, He must have thought, 'Oh well, I am going to pull her legs and bless her with the unexpected'. I felt like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. It has been awhile I had stop caring whether or not the boy who cheated on me got his comeuppance. I just wanted to move on. And move on did i. It was truly a breakthrough for me. From wondering for months in the dessert, I was emerging out of the oasis of revenge is power to the promised land of God is in control of everything. Somewhere along the journey, I met pretty face. He struck me as just another pretty face. another guy in my life I would most probably forget 2 months down the line. Somewhere in between of our little laughs, our small talks, our tennis sessions, our taunting of each other - I fell in love. There's something sweet and almost kind. But he was mean and now he's dear. I wonder why I didn't see it there before. I had to slap myself back to reality on a few occasions when I caught myself behaving like a lovestruck teenager. Laughing like a hyena at his jokes. Acting weebit like a maniac on crack when around him. Blushing, sweating, heart thumping - all signs of a heart attack. and I am only so young. 20 to be exact.

New and bit alarming. Who would ever thought that this could be? True, there's no prince charming. But there's something in him that i simply didn't see. He joins the leagues of close male compatriots who gets my jokes and embrace my silliness. The only thing that sets him apart from the rest is that my heart palpitates everytime I see him or talk to him and my heart seems to skip a beat of disappointment everytime I don't. The question that now remains is that - how do we keep the passion going when I am 2 oceans apart? Does absence makes the heart grow fonder or does it make the heart wander. Absence does to love what the wind does to a fire. It keeps the strong burning stronger and extinguishes the weak. What are we then since I barely....hardly know Pretty face. His name stops at two syllabus. His first name and his surname. He probably has a middle name, a last name, another english name and a whole lots of other names. but I only know two. Pretty general ain't it?

Being apart for awhile gives me space and fresh air to fill my lovestruck brains. It enables me to be more rational. It provides me with the time I need to think through what I seek from pretty face. A week apart from Pretty face left me with this in my head. I miss him more than I thought I would. I try to cram him in my tight schedule so I could 'bum' into him online or rather much to my amusement, also allowed him to 'stalk' me online. I am such a tactless person when it comes to falling in love. i often go headlog without thinking much of the repercussions of a head injury or shall I say, 'heart injury'. I am most afraid after what I was put through the last few months, to put myself out there and be vulnerable to another heart break. What if pretty face doesn't feel the same? What if I am just travelling on this highway of love all by myself? one way traffic perhaps? All the what if(s) and open possibilities to be hurt. I refuse to set myself up for disappointment. I just simply lack the courage and strength in me..even if God granted - I have a heart that its still on loan. I cannot afford to lose it and not get it back again.

I do know what I want from Pretty face. Don't take my heart and leave me in misery.

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide

I can't possibly say the other parts of this song fits into my mind. Cause' I am not desperate enough to sing, "Baby do you think you could want me too!". So Lord, hear my prayer. I am leaving this feeling of gushy mushiness at the cross. You decide. You play the cards for me. You write my love story for me.