Friday, December 19, 2008

Skeletons in the closet

It seems like everyone is doing this recently and it looks like fun! Unfortunately I was not tagged (boo you guys! boo!) But Imma do it anyways XD. So without further adeu, here' some things about me that you otherwise would not have known:

1.) sincerely like rainy, cloudy, thundering days. I enjoy rain on the windows panes and driving in the rain. If I am in bed, I will lie awake hearing the pitter patters of rain on the roof. and i always hope a rainy day comes with the whole monty - thunder and lightning. not so much of lightning but very much of the clapsing of thunder. People think I am depressed but really I am happiest when it rains. I just like how soothing and calming rainy days are.

2.) I prefer winters and fall over summer and spring. Not because I like snow or crunchy leaves but mostly because I like winter clothing =P. I just prefer wearing jackets, coats, sweaters and long sleeved clothing over t-shirts and shorts. I also like the longer days than the sun. Its odd considering i grew up in a tropical country where it is summer a year long. but i simply love the idea that the nights are longer than the days. i feel safer in my own home when its dark and cold rather than sunlight and all..creepy? i know...hmmm

3.) I like to go places in my head. I have a very vivid imagination and when I get bored I like to zone out and have little adventures in my head. I even numerous imaginary alter-egos. People think I am in deep contemplation or thought, meanwhile I am in the arms of a prince charming of a far far away land and exploring the universe in a space-ship. The problem is that I do it so much that sometimes I get confused and mix up my imaginary alter-ego adventures with real life. Some say this is the beginning of insanity and schizophrenia...I say "Huh? What? Sorry, I was someplace else..."

4.) Before I considered a law degree, I seriously considered a various whole other professions that had my parents banging their heads against the wall. Amongst them, i wanted to be a forensic pathologist, not just any normal doctor or surgeon, i just love the idea of being with dead people and cutting them up. not now though. as i grew older and more 'mature' i realised no boys would be interested in dating a girl who spends so much time running her hands on a dead person.
People are surprised by my mixture and sometimes seemingly conflicting sets of skills and talents. I think it makes me well rounded, but because I was so spread out in my early years I am like a jack of all trades and no master in any. I personally think I am a bit of an anomaly personality wise. Some aspects of me are just not congruent with each other. I really enjoy meeting other people, who like me, are not what they seem and have layers of hidden meaning and depth.

5.) I played the piano and a little of the violin when i was growing up. and in all my oral exams whereby i had to sing, i failed them - ALL completely. i must be pretty tone deaf or somehow, i am musically challenged. i would love to play the cello though my fingers are too short and small to hold on to the strings. same reason why i never attempted to play the guitar. i just had short fingers that were never meant for any musical instruments. Bah!

6.) I am a pretty open-minded girl overall but I just can't do vegetarian. Once in college there was this cute guy who was interested in me. However after a date or so, I found out he was vegetarian and I just stopped calling. Dinner was at a sushi place. I ordered sushi, he ordered nothing...sorry sweetie, it's not you, it's your stomach.

7.) I always fall in love with the bad boys. the one who has a bad past. the one who is messed up. the one who drives fast cars and never give a damn in the world. they are fast and furious boys. the ones you glance at, let your heart regale silly in them but never the ones you will date. i like the idea they had once been naughty and it kinda make them damn sexy. well..they are the boys you party around but never the ones you bring home to meet your parents kinda boy.

8.) I have a ballerina flats fettish. everytime i walk into a shoe store, i will go gaga over those shoes and i am left to making tough decisions. some are so bloody expensive it can go to buy a kidney for a dialysis patient and some can feed a small third world nation. someone then reminded me i have only a pair of feet and a 100 pairs of ballerina flats is an utter waste of money simply because i will not transform or evolve to be a caterpillar.

Now that you've learnt my dirty little secrets - i must make sure you run into my knife the next time i see you!