Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am who I am

Many people exploit the empathy in others for their own ends. When they go out to help someone, they will later use it to get something from that someone. When there's trouble, it will generally show in one person being the chronic "giver" and the other being the chronic "taker". When I evaluate my relationships with others, I look for people who show GENUINE concern for my welfare, then make that concern known in concrete actions. After a hell of evaluation, I became aware, not many are that genuine. They hide behind the facade of empathy and when require to put their concern into actions, they are out of reach!

Then there are the people who likes to flatter us instead of confront us. There is a major difference between confronters and strokers. Confronters risk our leaving them to tell us a needed truth. They jeopardize comfort to give us honest love. Strokers, in contrast, lull us to sleep by idealizing our specialness. As long as you feel good, they're happy. We should all be aware of people who only tell us our good points, justifying it by a desire to be "positive". They aren't loving you enough to tell you when you attitude or behaviour is driving your life over a cliff, rather they will stand by you and whisper sweet nothings to you ears. Boost your ego and level up your arrogance when indeed those behaviour is pushing over the mountain top.

How often have you heard the phrase, "God has it in for me." Denial is the active process that someone uses to avoid responsibility and it is different from being unaware of sin. We should all be held responsible for our actions and the reactions of others in our life, but rather some choose to blame others, their past, God, sin or anything else they can find. It is a husband, who cheats on his wife and bring it to his marriage and declare out loud, pointing to the mistress, this is the true blessing from God!

Then there are those who DEMAND that you trust them instead of earning it. The husband who demanded trust from his wife after an affair is a glaring example of someone who feels entitled to trust. With these people we are familiar who the words, " So you don't trust me". They get defensive and angry because someone questions their actions. Even the most trustworthy man of all time - Jesus himself - did not demand blind trust. Just check out John 10:37-38. We are asked to test what Jesus said by his actions. If, we are truly trusthworthy, we would welcome questioning from our loved ones on our "trustability". We are then able to know what gives others their suspicion or ear and try to do everything to allay those fears. Above all, we want to make people feel comfortable with us. The Psalmist said, hidden sins and problems are destructive to us, and if we long to grow, we would want them exposed and healed. Earn your trust for you are not entitled to it.

I am weary of people who reads the bible daily and has an extensive knowledge of the Book. For some, are committed people who only read, talk and do nothing about the words. These are what we called, spiritual people instead of religious. We need to learn to recognise people who weren't "real" even although they seemed very spiritual. They justify their wrongs by quoting the bible so much and they justify their doings by saying, "This is the purpose that God has for me" or rather, "It is in His plan". His plan will be such that everyone affected by that "plan" can rise up and say, "Praise the Lord", and not leave some to pain, anguish and despair.

If someone really cares for you, a simple hello is not too much to ask for. If someone really is empathatical to you, being your listening ear is the thing that she will want to do most because she knows you need her. If someone is a genuine ambassador in Christ, his love should start from those nearest to him before pretending to be funny and nice to those outside the circle of 12. Draw your line and stay out of relationships of any kind with unsafe people. Someone who so often quotes the Bible when he speaks to me would say, "Email me if you have any problems". I said "I am not your business counterpart"!